Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Twilight By Stephenie Meyer

rated 5 out of 5

This was a fun read. And I always enjoy finding great new authors.

Isabella Swan moves to a town called Forks to live with her father, police officer Charlie.
At school she gains a few admireres and makes friends pretty easily. However, the one guy she notices, Edward Cullen, is different from the other boys. Edward is beautiful, distant and an outsider himself. At first Edward gives her the cold shoulder, he even requests to be taken out of a class that he and Bella sit next to each other in.
Bella cannot figure out why Edward dislikes her so much. Then one icy day, Edward saves Bella from being hit by a car. She knows something is off about Edward, but can't figure it out. Bella swears Edward appeared out of nowhere, saved her from the oncoming car and even picked up the car so it wouldnt crush her legs.
Eventually Edward tells Bella he wants to stop avoiding her.

"I may not give you back, though," he said with a wicked glint in his eyes.

I gulped.

He laughed. "You look worried."

"No," I said, but, ridiculously, my voice broke. "Surprised, actually...what brought all this on?"

"I told you-I got tired of trying to stay away from you. So I'm giving up." He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious.

"Giving up?" I repeated in confusion.

"Yes-giving up trying to be good. I'm just going to do what I want now, and let the chips fall where they may." His smile faded as he explained, and a hard edge crept into his voice.

"You lost me again."

The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared.

As time goes on, Edward and Bella spend more time together and fall in love.
He admits his true self to her and she fully accepts him.

I really liked this book. It kind of reminds me of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. Edward reminds me of Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy, from Pride & Prejudice. Edward and Darcy have that same kind of personality, a bit distant, misunderstood, tall dark and handsome too.

He walked me to my next class in silence and paused at the door; I turned to say goodbye. His face startled me-his expression was torn, almost pained, and so fiercely beautiful that the ache to touch him flared as strong as before.

My goodbye was stuck in my throat.

He raised his hand, hesitant, conflict raging in his eyes, and then swiftly brushed the length of my cheekbone with his fingertips. His skin was icy as ever, but the trail his fingers left on my skin was alarmingly warm-like I'd been burned but didn't feel the pain of it yet.

He turned without a word and strode quickly away from me.

This was a quick & easy read, fun, light & romantic. There's even parts where you laugh out loud. You can't help but like Edward's character. Bella annoyed me sometimes, and this is romance geared towards teens, so a few times it got a little bit 'cheesy'...but not for long. For the most part it was a wonderful book. I recommend it and will be reading Stephenie Meyer's sequels to this novel.

I read this book as part of the RRC


this book has also been reviewed by: My Reading Adventures

savvy verse & wit


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