Saturday, July 7, 2007
It's 10:48 Saturday night, I'm bored and decided to search for a few good memes....here they are:
thats my answer
Sleepy Saturday
So, tell us, do you do anything in particular just as you fall asleep?
For some bizzarre reason, I rub my legs on my mattress as I fall asleep.
I know that sounds odd, but I've done it as long as I can remember. I think it's the equivalent of a baby sucking it's thumb to fall asleep.
unconscious mutterings
I say, you think:
- Partner :: man
- News :: tv
- Foam :: water
- Paycheck :: money
- Me :: computer
- Eight :: number
- Dairy :: milk
- Exciting :: wow
- Hockey :: puck
- Socialite :: lady
daydreaming on paper
List celebrities about whom you do not want to hear another word.
OMG, where do I begin? :
1. Paris Hilton
2. Britney Spears
3. Jessica Simpson
4. TomCat

Writer's Digest Prompts
6/26/2007: It's your first time back to the grocery since the manager, in a not-so-kind manner, told you never to bring your kids into his store again. You're secretly relieved to have to leave them home with your spouse. Thirty minutes later, you return home--without groceries. Egg yolk is dripping from your hair, chocolate syrup is smeared across your shirt, and smashed produce is sticking to your shoes. What happened? You can post your response (500 words or fewer) here:
I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happend to me, as I often joke around and say that one day my children will get themselves banned from the grocery store.
here goes:
I went to the local grocery store on Saturday morning as I usually do, but this time I left the kids home with their father since the manager told me last weekend my kids are not welcomed there anymore. Well, as I drove to the store I kept thinking about how unjust it was of him to ask me to keep my children out of his store.
First of all, that is just insulting. So what if my kids tend to run around a bit and argue loudly? I always yell at them to stop. And I'm a regular at the store, you would think the manager appreciates my business. And this being a free country, he has no right to ask me to keep my children out of his store. By the time I arrived in the parking lot, I was a bit ill tempered. I parked the car, and walked inside the store. I didn't even bother to grab a shopping cart. I marched right up to the courtesy counter and asked the pimply faced girl wearing the green smock for the manager. She called him on the pager thingy and he arrived within a minute or two.
He looked at me through his large glasses with annoyed recognition. He resembeled a large insect. 'I just wanted to tell you that I will be contacting my lawyer about what you told me last week. I refuse to keep my children out of this store for no good reason, they are children for Christ's sake! If you think you can get away with telling me not to bring them here, you are dead wrong.' I said it all very slowy and loudly as if I was speaking to a senile person with hearing problems.
At this point a line of two people formed behind me, they watched me intently as did a few other customers in the store. 'Maam, do want you want. Your children can't behave themselves properly and as store manager I have to keep the peace in my shop.
It's not my fault you can't control them', he said stiffly and began to walk away.
He actually tried to tell me I can't control my own children, then walk away from me! Oh well, I can hardly be held responsible for what happened next.
'Excuse me!' I hollared as I turned around and grabbed a carton of eggs from the ladys cart behind me. I opened the styrofoam container and hurled 3 eggs consecutively right at mister bug eyes. He tried to avoid begin hit, but he only missed one egg. The other two hit him square in the chest.
Before he could say another word, I grabbed whatever I could get my hands on from the cart, which turned out to be chocolate cake fresh from the bakery section I'm guessing. I threw it as hard as I could at him as he was running away. It hit him square in the back and splattered all over his red button down shirt. 'Ha' I yelled, almost like a madwoman. Next thing I know, I grabbed a gallon of milk, opened it up, and attempted to pour it over his head. Instead I got some of it down the front of my blouse and the rest on the floor. I ran toward the exit, slipped and fell once on the spilled milk, which was also mixed with the cake and eggs I threw but made it to my car in no time.
I won't be going back to that store again, but now I feel so much better about it.
I even played my own meme, is that tacky?
randomness...feed your mind and your blog
week of July 8: Vacationing
I'll be going on vacation next week, so that inspires this weeks meme:
1. What is your favorite vacation spot?
Disney World
2. Would you rather drive or fly?
Fly, but I do like a good road trip once in a while.
3. Have you ever been on a cruise? Would you want to go on one?
I've never been on a cruise, and would like to go on one someday.
4. What has been your best/worst vacation?
I like vacationing where there's a beach. Last years Florida trip was alot of fun. I also love going to Puerto Rico.
5. How long do you think is long enough for a vacation?
1 week away from home is more than enough. 2 weeks away from work is heavenly.
6. Do you spend alot of money while on vacation? yes!
Do you buy alot of souvenires?
What's the coolest one you've gotten?
I love souvenires. Coolest might be my stuffed E.T. doll I bought at Universal Studios over 10 years ago.
7. If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?
Hmmm...Egypt to visit the pyramids, Hawaii....and of course Paris.
till next time...

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