Back in January as I walked (staggered?) back to the hotel with Brian and other friends after the Bob Seger concert, we came along the path lined with the stars of Canada's Walk of Fame. Brushing the dusting of snow off them we nodded, cringed, laughed and yelled out the names of who we felt were Worthy of Inclusion in this distinguished lineup.
Yesterday the announcement was made of the Worthy for this year's inclusion. Not giving a toss about poets or ballet dancers, I got right to the important one - music.
Who would it be? BTO? Blue Rodeo? Lighthouse? Part of the criteria for inclusion states that "they have had a national or international impact on Canada's cultural heritage". Pretty strong requirements.
So I look back at the list and there they are: Nickelback. Nickelback ??
Are you freakin' kidding me?!?
This is who impacts "Canada's cultural heritage"?? Was it the first song? Or maybe the one from the movie. Or the other one that sounds exactly like the first two. Which one will be played or covered thirty years from now? Will anyone be able to identify which one it is?
Cultural impact. Right.
Better they should have chosen Sharon, Lois & Bram.