Saturday, March 3, 2007

Bobby Brown was ordered held in custody until child support arrears are paid in full on Monday. A D.C. radio station paid the $19,150 owed in late child-support payments by the perennially screwed up Mr. Brown. It's funny how well the words "Bobby Brown" and "ordered held in custody" go together.

Soft rock singer James Blunt appears to have done a slow speed roll over of a photographers foot. According to the media, this is all Mr. Blunts fault, and he should get the Bobby Brown treatment, and the idiot photographer trying to take close up pictures of a person in a moving vehicle bears no responsibility whatsoever for his foot being under said moving car. Sorry, paparazzi is one sleazy job, and one less able bodied one is a good thing.

The new surprise hit of the book season? Suite Francaise. Irene Nemirovsky's posthumous hit:

Born in 1903, Nemirovsky was a Ukrainian Jew who emigrated to Paris as a young woman. She was arrested in 1942 during the Nazi occupation of France and soon died at Auschwitz, where her husband, Michael Epstein, was later killed.

The author of several previous works, Nemirovsky had been discretely working on a five-part novel before her arrest. The first two sections, fictionalized accounts of the war, were discovered in the 1990s by her daughter, Denise Epstein, and published in France to great acclaim in 2004.
Just added Suite Francaise to my "must read list."

Angelina Jolie is adopting another baby, this time from Vietnam. I wonder will Jolie, the skank princess, receive the same treatment that bitch princess Madonna got? This is, after all, Jolie's third child adopted from a third world country, Madonna only adopted one. Yet look at the grief Madonna got for saving a poor child from a life of abject poverty. Surely a Goodwill Ambassador from the UN Refugee Agency can't keep going about saving poor refugee's from misery, it's positively humane.

Could it really be happening, or is this one too good to be true? Is rap finally going away? And taking with the whole black gangsta culture with it? We should be so lucky!

George Carlin at (almost) 70.

The news media were ignoring Paris Hilton this week. Did anyone not named Paris notice? Did anybody care? Now if we can get legitimate news stations to stop breaking in with Britney is in re-hab stories, which I heard on "Toronto's news voice," last week.

Charlotte Church, child prodigy of the popera world, is apparantly pregnant. Church, 21, and her boyfriend, Rugby player Gavin Henson, are said do be "delighted".

Congratulations to Charlotte and Gavin.


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