Saturday, January 12, 2008
Saturday Fluffernutter: Wisdom of Posh; Nicole's Baby; Davinci's Lisa; Sir Edmund Hillary 1919 - 2008.
Posted by st at 10:30 AMThe nutty stories from the fluffy world of celebrities.Today, a tidbit of knowledge from Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham:
"We spend a lot oftime socializing at home so we don't get photographed. I couldn't live a life where I was under the spotlight everyday. If you look at someone like Britney Spears, I couldn't do that. I've got to have my privacy at home with my husband and my children. Otherwise, I'd end up going loopy."
Unlike say, Britney Spears, who seems to have handled it all so well.
Meet the latest Bond Girl, Gemma Arterton
Gemma, who is currently filming "Bond 22" with Daniel Craig, is best known for her role as Kelly in the recently released comedy St Trinians.
Congratulations to Nicole Ritchie who gave birth to a girl last night. The father is Joel Madden, singer for the band Good Charlotte.
Led Zeppelin story of the week, courtesy of Ramble On: It was happy birthday to both bassist/keyboardist John Paul Jones (62) and guitarist Jimmy Page (64) this week. I wish them both lots of time together in the coming year.
Has the Mona Lisa been identified? Viet Probst, German Art expert claims to know the identy of the mystery woman in Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting. The model? The wife of a Florentine cloth merchant named Francesco del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini.
The Mona Lisa currently hangs at the Louvre in Paris. It is the most sought piece at the Louvre, but for my money, this was the best piece:
Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588): The wedding at Cana.

Labels: Fluffernutter, The Mighty Zep