I came across this video below today by accident when looking up Marilyn McCord Adams. It's from The Chicago Consultation (July 2009) and has a number of Anglican clergy talking about sexuality and religion. Those speaking, in order, are The Rev. Victor Atta-Bafoe, Dean, St. Nicholas Seminary, Ghana; The Rev. Giles Fraser, vicar, Putney; The Rev. Tobias S. Haller, BSG, Diocese of New York; The Rev. Winnie Varghese, Episcopal chaplain, Columbia University, Frederica Thompsett, The Rt. Rev. Michael Ingham, Diocese of New Westminster; The Very Rev.Sam Candler, Dean, the Cathedral of St. Philip, The Rev. Canon Marilyn McCord Adams; and The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, Dean, Trinity Cathedral. To read more, see this 2007 post at Thinking Anglicans - The Chicago Consultation. And for those interested, you can read Tobias S. Haller's blog here - In a Godward direction