Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Now that the Ontario election is over, we can ask it? Is there anybody, anywhere, who's a worse campaigner than John Tory? He ran Kim Campbell's 1992 disaster, got his ass kicked over a bridge that affects a few hundred voters in Toronto, and now the Ontario election where, instead of voters warming to John Tory as promised, his numbers went down as the campaign wore on. This against a dishonest Premier who is presiding over Ontario's descent into have-not status within confederation, while anarchy reigns in small pockets of the province. If you couldn't beat this guy, couldn't even mount a reasonable challenge against him, you don't belong in politics.For me, I was planning on holding my nose and voting PC, until last week: In order to win over my vote, specifically my vote I believe, John Tory decided to announce test marketing corner store sale of beer and wine. It was the bone I needed throwing to get my vote. Then my local moron, Gerry Martiniuk, stated in debates last week he's not in favour of that policy. One conservative policy in the whole damn platform, and my local Progressive Conservative candidate is not in favour of it.
One bone, that's all I asked for. I frickin' bone.
So after voting F*&% no to MMP, I voted for Gerry Nicholls favourite candidate, Montgomery Brewster. A cowards way out, I admit, but John Tory/Gerry Martiniuk had made themselves un-votable in my eyes, and they were heads and shoulders above the rest, at least in my riding.
What a mess this whole election was. Can we please get on with finding a conservative to run the Conservative party in Ontario, and start getting back to having some hope.
Labels: John Tory, Ontario Election, Silly Politicians