Sunday, October 14, 2007

I found a new challenge over @ Becky's Book Reviews called the Mini-Austen Challenge. This is right up my alley because I am a big Jane Austen fan.

'These "mini-challenges" are not as open-ended as most challenges. But they're not strict either. One would be to read and/or watch at least two Jane Austen novels/movies in 2008. Masterpiece Theatre is showing all 6 movies in the 2008 season. I am going to be aiming for all 6. But if you want to just watch two movies and blog about them, that is fine too.'

My choices are:

1. To re-read 'Pride & Prejudice' just because I haven't read it in a few years and it's one of my favorites. I own the DVD so I can watch it and compare it to the book.

2. to read and watch the movie version of 'Mansfield Park'

3. to re-read 'Sense & Sensibility' and watch the movie version

The only movie versions of Jane Austen novels that I've seen so far are Pride & Prejudice & Emma. Both I enjoyed. Bridget Jones Diary & Clueless are also 2 of my favorite movies and are both based on Austens novels; Pride & Prejudice & Emma.


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