Saturday, October 6, 2007
All the weeks Fluff stories about all those Hollywood nuts.Led Zeppelin fans hopefully checked their e-mails Monday for one of 10,000 codes that were sent out to receive tickets. Fans who didn't receive their code are now complaining about the process in various online forums. The chief complaints are that the codes were non-re-sellable and that only 20,000 tickets were made public for a 30,000 seat arena, meaning 10,000 would be going to "Friends" of promoter Harvey Gooldsmith. (I know of two radio stations who are having Led Zeppelin giveaways, so there must be a pile of radio stations worldwide getting a pair of tickets).
At Home in Hespeler is more than a little pleased to say I will be reporting live from London on November 26th.Britney Spears has lost custody of her children, a judge this week giving full custody to her ex-boytoy Kevin Federline. I don't know what's more remarkable, that Kevin Federline is considered a better parent than anybody, or that just when it was looking like Britney was at the end of her particular 15 minuted, morons dressed up as music fans started buying her latest song. So much for the "one last talentless hack to kick around" post.
Meanwhile Forbes.com did some homework and discovered that Britney decreases magazine sales when shes on the cover. So maybe she will just go away anyway.
And the face most likely to sell magazines...Sigh - I'll buy that.
Labels: Britney, Fluffernutter, Jennifer Aniston, The Mighty Zep