Bruce Springsteen ran through Southern Ontario early in the week, playing Ottawa on Sunday night and Toronto Monday, for the only two Canadian shows so far scheduled for his Magic tour. Sunday nights Ottawa show saw some special guests as Win Butler and RĂ©gine Chassagne from Montreal's Arcade Fire joined Springsteen
on stage for State Trooper, which Arcade Fire have been known to play live, then Keep the Car Running off of Arcade Fires Neon Bible CD got the E Street treatment with a rousing version that had the audience enjoying a real treat.
Video of both are here...
Weekly Led Zeppelin Update:
Led Zeppelin was never a band to miss a chance to cash in, and with their big reunion concert next month at the 02 arena in London Zeppelin, one of the last bands to make their back catalogue downloadable, this week announced that they would begin to do so.
Hopefully this means an end to those Kashmir polyphonic ring tones and we can get some real Zeppelin on our cell phones.
Meanwhile, congratulations to Jimmy Page, who's daughter Charlotte gave birth to a daughter, Martha Alice. Check here, scroll down to Oct. 9th - pictures of a very pregnant Charlotte are just above the words October 8.
The trouble brigade: Britney Spears "breached a court order" and has lost all access to her children. Lindsay Lohan is reportedly broke, and has a new boyfriend, a winner type whom she met, and other stuff, while in rehab. John Goodman is reportedly NOT Lindsay Lohan's new man, even though he is recently released from re-hab himself.
And farewell to Deborah Kerr,
who passed this week at the age of 86. She was both beautiful and talented and she starred in, amongst others, An Affair to Remember and Form Here to Eternity: she was the one kissing Burt Lancaster on the beach while the waves rolled up around them.