Since Halloween is soon upon us, I decided to post some of my favorite spooky reads:
1. Salem's Lot by Stephen King: One of my most favorite King novels, a scary vampire story. It's just so creepy the way the sleepy town of Jerusalem is home to blood sucking vampires.
2. The Taking by Dean Koontz : My favorite D.K. novel has alien invasion, nasty alien fungi, dolls and human heads that become possessed, and a very intersting ending. I highly recommend.
3. Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe : My favorites are 'The Tell-tale Heart' and 'The Raven'. I read these stories in grade school and always loved his work.
4. Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice :
One of my favorite vampire stories....very well written, creepy, sexy, scary....a must read.
5. H.P. Lovecraft: Tales: A creepy collection of spooky stories. Some of these gave me goosebumps, it's all so dark and scary.
6. yep...another S.K. movel....Everythings Eventual by Stephen King: I have a short attention span, this is one of the reasons I love S.K.'s short stories. I get my dose of a great horror read quicker. 'Autopsy Room Four' and 'Riding the Bullet' are particularly juicy.
7. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz: My favorite of the three 'Odd' books, is his first in the series. It's a classic 'I see dead people' tale. And you quickly love the hero, Odd Thomas. Great humor is thrown in here as well.
8. Misery by Stephen King: Poor writer Paul Sheldon, gets into a car accident during a blizzard and is 'rescued' by manical nurse/#1fan, Annie Wilkes. The movie version was good, but the book is way better. Some parts of this story will just make you cringe....and that's a good thing.