Friday, August 7, 2009
First off, TGIF! I hope you all have a nice Friday.
I have been eagerly awaiting this weekend for some time now.
I'll be going to see Marc Anthony in concert on Saturday. If you don't know who he is, maybe you'll recognize him as J Lo's husband. I love his salsa music best, but he's also done English albums:
You Sang To Me
Anyway, i'm soooo excited for the concert! I'm a BIG fan of his for years...so much so that I drive hubby and kids crazy...lol. I always have a M.A. cd ready and waiting to be played.
The man sings his heart out on stage :) I love it, he is so romantic. The lyrics to his songs are poetic.
I'm going with my mom, it's 'our thing'. This will be out 5th time going to a Marc Anthony concert together.
I cried buckets the first time I heard him sing this song live:
Thanks for hanging in there while I rant and rave about Marc Anthony...lol. If i'm able to take pics, i'll post them.
As far as reading goes, i'm almost done with Benny & Shrimp. It's such a sweet read so far, I am really enjoying it.
It's such a quirky little book, i've found myself saying 'awwwwwwww' a few times aloud while reading passages like this one:
Love makes others into doves,
gazelles, cats, peacocks-but I,
quivering, wet, and transparent-
am your jellyfish
Enjoy your weekend everyone. I'll be dancing and crying at the concert :O)
What are you up to? What are you reading?

Labels: marc anthony