Are we in the 21st Century or antebellum America?
What is really happening here? You hear governors talking about cessation, others about the rights of the states to supersede those of the Federal Government. You even hear how the Civil Rights of the 60’s were wrong and pushed down the throats of southerners.
The truth could not be clearer; they know they lost on the issue of slavery…it wouldn’t even enter their minds to suggest we could return to that. But for one hundred years after the Civil War the Southern states were successful in maintaining and successfully obtaining a repugnant discriminatory system. They did it through intimidation, coercion, and repression.
President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act
Gov Perry, Gov. Barbour, AG Cucinelli
Why is all of this surfacing at this time? Because we now have a black man in the White House and those Southerners probably remember the words of grand pappy Bubba who told them when they were kids that they better put up a fight against giving the blacks the same rights because some day they will take over the country.