Fossil of Archaeopteryx bavarica from the Jurassic period. Paläontologisches Museum, München. Photograph: Luidger
I must do one of these types of posts about this subject periodically or I will explode. Although I am aware that no self-respecting CREATIONIST would even look at my blog let alone read it; and even if they did, they have their heads inserted so far into their anuses that it is impossible to discern or absorb anything other than their absurd theory of CREATIONISM.
Although ample evidence is there to support the THEORY OF EVOLUTION; there are some Fundamentalist-Christian-Evangelical types that would rather stick their head in the sand and simply ignore this evidence. It simply doesn’t add up, according to their askew ideology and since it doesn’t fit their agenda it is discarded, derided and definitely denied. These half-humans (if they need an example of mutation, they should look at themselves) are staunch supporters of teaching our impressionable young the concept of CREATIONISM and avoiding or even outlawing EVOLUTION.
Congressman Jack Kingston wants to see man-fish-newt
by DarkSyde
Sat Jan 29, 2011 at 07:16:04 PM PST
On Real Time with Bill Maher, Representative Jack Kingston (R-GA) apparently wants to see some kind of manfishnewt before he will accept evolution (For Southpark fans, that would be half-man, half-fish, and half-newt). Which, if ever found, would utterly destroy our understanding of human evolution along with a giant chunk of vertebrate biology. But I digress, and we can -- loosely and liberally -- credit Kingston for grasping blindly toward a transitional tetrapod. So presumably, as long as it's not Acanthostega, Ichthyostega, Hynerpeton or any of the dozens of fossils found at the exact geologic time and coincidentally with the exact suite of traits which bridge the transition from early fish to the first amphibians, Kingston will be convinced. Let's watch:
Kingston also demands a missing link. By which we can again loosely infer he means fossils demonstrating a mix of early and more modern hominid traits. As long as it's not A. ramidus, A. afarensis, H. ergaster, or any of the dozens of fossils on exhibit in museums all over the world, all showing the exact set of anatomical traits and found in the precise place in the fossil record demonstrating a clear progression toward anatomically modern humans over almost ten million years. Thus Kingston struggles to convey the well oiled illusion of reason while pandering to willful ignorance.

First off, you need to understand how evolution works. Mutations occur in organisms all the time. Some are neutral and have no effect on the organism. Some are beneficial, while others are detrimental.
Evolution is the result of the natural selection of beneficial mutations in the genome of an organism. If a mutation is beneficial to an organism, that organism is more likely to survive and pass on the mutation to the next generation. Over numerous generations, that mutation, along with other beneficial mutations will spread through the population of the species. It is the accumulation of beneficial mutations in a breeding population over a great many generations that will eventually result in changes in the species population over those generations.
All species evolve over time, some more than others. If a species is well adapted to an environment, it will remain relatively stable as long as the environment is stable. If a part of the population of a species finds itself in a different environment, it will evolve to fit into that environment and eventually will become a new species separate from the original population.
Thus, if you look at the geological strata, you will find a changing representation of species through the oldest to the youngest strata, and those changes reflect an evolutionary process. That is not what you would find if the fossil record had been laid down by a flood such as that described in the Bible. But it is what would be expected in an evolutionary scenario.
Early mammals existed during the time of the dinosaurs, but they were quite different from those existing today. Apes and other primates, including us, did not evolve until long after the time of the dinosaurs, which died out 65 million years ago.
You want transitional fossils, how about these?:
And this series in particular.
But the evidence is not found just in fossils. There is other evidence.
For example.
About fifty years ago, when it was first noted that apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes, but humans have 23, the creationists subsequently pounced upon that as evidence against the evolution of humans from a common ancestor with the apes. The evolutionary scientists, however, using evolu
There are thousands, if not tens of thousands of evolutionary fossil records. Natural History museums from around the world are full of them: New York, Boston, London, etc.
Textbooks and popular science books on evolution have hundreds of photos of transitional fossils.
In addition, there is an entirely independent line of evidence: the genetic record. By comparing genomes between species, one can determine the amount of genetic overlap, the mutation rate, and when each common ancestor occured. So far this has supported evolutionary theory with astonishing accuracy.
What these Creationists fail to realize that adaptation and gradual change will take place and there is not abrupt metamorphosis of any one species…it all happens over a period of millions of years. So to ask for the cranium of a half human half monkey is so absurd as to provoke hysterical laughter.
This is an example of microevolution and is not proof of macroevolution or the theory of evolution.
This is the fossil head of a Bristolia insolens, a trilobite from the “youngest” geologic layer of these four examples.
This is the fossil head of the Bristolia bristolensis, a trilobite from the “second youngest” geologic layer of these four examples.
This is the fossil head of the Olenellus mohavensis, a trilobite from the “second oldest” geologic layer of these four examples.
When it comes to being an elected public servant I feel a lot more comfortable to have a Congressman who understands and believes in EVOLUTION and discards CREATIONISM as one more irrational, faith based concept…it is imaginary, made up and totally unsupported by science. That is why I consider anyone who believes in CREATIONISM to lack the mental capacity, intelligence if you will, to lead or to be Congressman or even President as Hucklebee seems to want to do. I simply would like to have public officials be a little smarter than myself though that is not saying much.
SOURCE: http://www.dailykos.com/