World Court in The Hague
The President and the Democrats are not without very powerful weapons
For example, in order to put the Republicans on the defensive and neutralize all the nasty maneuvering, all the Rovian tactics, dirty politics and the lies is to simply declare this: The President and the administration is presently engaging in talks with the World Court to fight their extradition efforts to have ex President Bush, ex-VP Cheney and Rumsfeld to be tried at The Hague for war crimes.

I know, it is a dirty tactics and one not likely to be even contemplated by our President…he is too nice a guy; but it would work. The other one is to commence an effort to impeach Supreme Court Justice Scalia. This would take quite a long time and effort but it would come to a climax just before the 2012 elections and it would show how much in collusion Scalia is with big business and the ultra right fanatics. One of the desired effects would be that the Supreme Court would return to act like an impartial, independent judicial body rather than a partisan political set of activist judges.
Scalia and Bachmann
While we are at it, we could open up some kind of National Democratic Party office in Michelle Bachmann’s district and have four or five thousand employees who would move there and register as Democrats…and vote their conscience, hopefully against this nut.
There should also be a concerted effort to investigate very corrupt and unethical public servants like Ensin and find out where the contributions to their political campaigns came from. Get the FBI to investigate them for possible wrongdoings…complete with court orders to view their bank transactions and other business dealings. We can get to the bottom of it only if we are willing. We can stop all these special interests from overpowering the people and destroying democracy.
The wrath of the people should not be toned down nor are our rights to have a democracy destroyed. Clearly, the Republicans don’t care how the democratic process fares nor do they care for the welfare of the American people as long as they can be in power in order to benefit the very rich and the corporations.