Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Really Random Tuesday is hosted by Suko.
February has arrived and we're in the middle of an ice/snow storm here, which makes for nice cozy reading at home on my couch wrapped in a blanket.
I had a good reading month for January and hope to keep up this pace for the rest of the year. I really got into reading short stories online over @ american lit.com.
Books I read and reviewed:
1. The Lotus Eaters
2. Lincoln's Yarns and Stories (though this doesn't really count as a full January read since I've been reading this bit by bit online since 2010.
3. Blood of My Brother
4. TheSmartestWay to Save, Why You Can't Save Money and What to Do About It
5. Half in Love: Surviving the Legacy of Suicide (review will be up tomorrow as part of the blog tour)
Short stories I read in January:
1. Eva is inside her cat
2. Regret
3. A Moonlight Fable
4. The Storm (review not linked yet)
5. A Sister's Confession (review not linked yet)
This coming month I hope to read at least 8 books. I also want to finish re-reading Wuthering Heights, which I keep putting on the back burner.
Lastly, I found a site called The Daily Post over @ Carol's blog. The idea of this site is to give bloggers an idea to blog about daily. Their prompts are really good, especially if you are looking for ideas to blog about. Here is a random one I picked:
If stranded on a desert island, and could only bring one music album with you, which would it be? What is it about this music that never gets old for you?
There are soooo many albums I could mention here. But if I had to chose just one, it would have to be Legend by Bob Marley & The Wailers. I never get tired of this album.
This is my 'poolside music' during the summer. I play it often when we are swimming in the pool or enjoying hubby's b-b-q or just entertaining friends and family.
Listening to it always reminds me of those hot summer days. The entire CD is great. It's mellow music that you can listen to and enjoy.
What about you? What album would you take to a deserted album and why?
Enjoy your Tuesday :)

Labels: Really Random Tuesday