Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Well labour day is past, summer unofficially over and election season begins here in Ontario. This is not just an election for Premier, between two very left Liberal types, John "Red" Tory and Dalton McGuinty, but also a referendum on proportional representation (PR), or non-democratic democracy. I'm not a fan of PR, but will wait until later in the election to detail my objections.
It is, frankly, a hard election to get very excited over as John Tory is the very definition of a Red Tory (Red by ideology, Tory by name), and Dalton is a classic Liberal (lie like a b@@tard). For a conservative voter, this dog don't hunt. Economists like to model a scenario they call the prisoner's dilemma, this election is looking like the taxpayers dilemma.
Which leads to the question, where does a blogger go to get Hemlock? and how do you self-administer a dose?
I wish Monty Brewster was here.
Labels: Bad Movies, Ontario Election, PR.