Big, BIG ole h/t to Joanne, who really has this story covered, but I'll add what I can.
This post will back track to June 06, when I ran a story about Caledonia, and the natives claim on ten KM from the Grand River. As I noted, "Brantford, Kitchener, much of Waterloo, Fergus and my beloved Hespeler is on their hit list." Today they added Guelph, somewhat arbitrarily it seems, but who's keeping count.
Joanne talks about the Haldeman tract, which is that 10KM strip from the grand, a picture of which is here.
Have a peek at the area covered by the track, and understand that Native Groups today declared it's theirs.
Dalton McGuinty was last seen running away from the scene, and threatening CHCH news to not a run their story about it.
Update: It seems Caledonia Wake Up Call was right on the money
We are about to find out just how Biased the Toronto Media is. We all remember how the media spent endless hours covering how controlling Harper (Conservatives) was over the media.
Now we have a clear, direct threat to a Media Outlet by McGuinty's Campaign Office, so let's see whether the media will cover this story to the same degree.
I can find one reference to Premier McGuinty threatening a media outlet if they ran a story.