Being an avid crocheter, I decided to post and review a few of my favorite crochet pattern books.

Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker by Debbie Stoller
rated: 5 out of 5 :

Full of fun patterns, colorful pictures, great instructions. This is one of my favorite crochet pattern books. Whenever I'm in need for an idea for a new project, I look in here for a fun pattern.

Get Your Crochet On! : Hip Hats and Cool Caps by Afya Ibomu
rated: 4 out of 5:

This book has some fun hat patterns, with a funky style like The O.G. and the M.C. The patterns are easy to follow and there's plenty of helpful photos. This is where I got the pattern for the hat I'm wearing in my profile photo.

Amigurumi! : Super Happy Crochet Cute
by Elisabeth Doherty
rated: 5 out of 5 :

I love this one, it has some cute patterns for amigurumi's, which I love to make.
Amigurmi's are Japanese-inspired dolls, that are super cute and addictive to crocheter's everywhere. These doll patterns do take time to complete, but are worth the effort. The amigurumi's in this book are so unique looking and funky.

Charmed Knits : Projects for Fans of Harry Potter
by Alison Hansel
rated: 3 out of 5 :

Okay, I know I said crochet books, but I wanted to sneak this knitting pattern book as well. It has some nice Harry Potter knit patterns in it, including wizards cloak, house scarves & Weasley sweaters. But I almost feel that I could find these type of patterns online for free or come up with similar crochet patterns on my own.