Friday, December 3, 2010


They have their reasons and not unfounded; we are the thorn on their side, we are the unmanageable ones, we are not easily misled, we are not easy to convince without fact or heaven forbid – the truth.

Most of us on the left hardly could qualify as followers; you would be hard press to find Evangelical-Fundamentalists in our midst; and the reason for that is simple: we don’t believe everything they tell us nor are we going to accept anything that is handed down to us as law or Scriptures if it doesn’t make sense and if it is absurd. We are not gullible.

When the Becks and Limbaughs, the Bachmann and O’Reillys tell these people something like:

Health Reform is Socialist - Response is: - Yeah; the government shouldn’t come between me and my doctor, that is SOCIALISM!

Social Security is in crisis - We have to privatize it, raise the retirement age. We have to stop this SOCIALISM

Unemployment benefits are welfare - Yeah, it discourages people from looking for work We have to stop this SOCIALISM

Socialism is evil - Yeah, those dirty pinko communists are taking away my America, we have to stop this SOCIALISM

President Obama was born in Kenya - Yeah, show us your birth certificate, he is a Muslim too! He is a SOCIALIST

The death panels will kill grandma - We have to defend grandma’s life. We have to stop this SOCIALISM

Democrats don’t believe in the

Constitution - Yeah, read the Constitution, there is no SOCIALISM in the Constitution

Gays are going to hell - It is in the Bible…Leviticus to be exact - Isn't that in the Constitution also? We should stop them and their SOCIALISM

Gays are a threat to the

Sanctity of marriage - We have to defend our right to be straight, they want

To convert our children and …(fill in the blank) make us all believe in SOCIALISM

Illegal immigrants are a burden to

our society, they get free health care,

welfare and they are decapitating

Arizonan farmers - Let’s deport all of them, make a law that forces them to “show their papers” It is all a conspiracy by SOCIALISM proponents.

Cut the taxes on the rich and

the corporations - That will create jobs...taxing the rich and the corporations that is CLASS WARFARE, SOCIALIM

You see, we don’t believe any of this crap and that just rattles their cage.


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