Friday, April 29, 2011

I hope the title of today's post doesn't offend anyone. If it does, I apologize. It's Friday, It's been a long week and I wanted to post something with a little 'oomph' to it.

Today I wanted to discuss my favorite female villains in literature.

Villains are what makes the story 'pop'. Without the villains, the heroes would have nothing to do. The story would be boring without the bad guys or girls.

In no particular order, here are my favorite female villains in books. These are the ladies that we love to hate. They are ferocious, wicked and smart and these are the type of ladies no one wants to mess with. You go girls!

Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind

She is the ultimate brat, catty and spoiled, a smart business woman. What Scarlett wants, she gets. She lets nothing and no one get in her way. She'll even stoop as low as to steal her sisters fiancee in order to pay the bills. In a time when women were expected to sit home looking pretty, Scarlett was out running her own business.

Vittoria in the Twilight series

This vampire is on a mission to avenge her lovers death. Can you blame her for wanting to kill Bella? I sure don't.

I enjoyed seeing Vittoria being brought to life on the big screen. Those running scenes were pretty awesome.

Annie Wilkes in Misery

This psycho nurse is obsessed with her favorite author. She stops at nothing to keep him in her home so he can finish his book and give it the ending she always wanted. When she hobbles Paul, I cringed while reading.

The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz

This witch is the ultimate meany. As a child, I was scared stiff by her.
What's more terrifying than a green witch and her flying monkeys?

In the film she's got one of my favorite death scenes.

"I'm melting....what a world, what a world....."

Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada

This lady is an ice queen, a cut-throat, shrewd business woman.
And she always looks friggin' fantastic.

Bellatrix in the Harry Potter series

This witch literally made me scream while reading. What an awful, demented woman! Truth be told, she belongs in an insane asylum.

Anne Boleyn in The Other Boleyn Girl

I saved the best for last since Anne Boleyn was a real person.

Full of ambition, Anne paid the ultimate price.
They say she seduced the king and convinced him to annul his own marriage to Queen Catherine. He soon tired of her and had her beheaded. King Henry wrote Anne 17 love letters that are preserved in the Vatican library today.

Those are a few of my favorites, who are your favorite villainesses a.k.a. bitches in literature? I wonder, if some of these characters were nicer, would they have gotten as far in life??

Enjoy your weekend! I'll be back next week with more book reviews and randomness.


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