Thursday, April 28, 2011

If I were the President I would sue Orly Taitz and those who followed her in their injurious allegations.

You see, we do have FREEDOM OF SPEECH in America and you can say almost anything short of yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater…but injurious, libel, false accusations and lies about a person can ‘t be told without the risk of the injured party bringing a libel law suit against the person who said it.

If the court deemed in the past that Ms. Taitz’ law suits were “FRIVOLOUS” the courts should not stopped there…they should have fined her heavily for consciously lying and defaming the President. As far as Donald Trump is concerned; a vigorous law suit for $500 million dollars should be presented against him. Why? Because he knows that this birth certificate issue is just not fabricated but he is using it to defame and injure the President.

Of course, this is not surprising coming from these fringe-ultra right Republican-Teahadists who can’t win any arguments on facts because they have no grounds; so they attack the President on a personal level…by diminishing his character, his education, his origin they are also fanning the flames of racism…all very injurious not just to President Obama but for America.



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