I liked this post by Bryan Cones at US Catholic - Why I won't be watching the JPII beatification blowout. Here's part of it ....
After reading John Allen's third thousand-word Q&A post on the beatification of Pope John Paul II, I can't decide what I'm more sick of: the "royal wedding" or the beatification of JPII. Neither really has anything to do with my life, since I'm not British or a monarchist, and the way the Catholic church does it, I'm never going to be canonized either .......
Pope John Paul II was a fine man, heroic even in some ways, as I noted in my May column, but I think we need another 50 years or so before we make him a saint--regardless of how many miracles he pulls off in the meantime. As another writer noted at NCR, doing it now could be interpreted as a way of propping up the papal monarchy, analogous to the royal wedding ........