Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Sunday

Hello everyone, I'm back from hiatus :)

I enjoyed my time off and caught up on some reading and reviews during this very rainy week. I have three book reviews ready to post in the next few days. I'll keep the book titles a surprise. What I will say is that they are all different genres, from literary fiction to a zombie spoof, to dystopian fiction, and I hope you will enjoy my reviews.

I missed you all, and though I will be catching up on my blog visits, I won't be able to view every single post. That being said, if you guys have posts that you don't want me to miss out on (i.e. you are pregnant or have been abducted by an alien, or have met Gerard Butler), please let me know in my comment section and I'll make sure to get to those posts asap.

I'll leave you with a bit of what I've been up to this past week.

Playing on my ITouch. Although I'm still addicted to AngryBirds, I found this cool free app called ToonPaint where you can take a photo and give it a comic style look.

Eating molten chocolate lava cake from Chili's. This is quite possibly on my top five favorite deserts. The chocolate cake is warm, and filled with melted fudge. Then it's topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and covered in caramel and a chocolate shell. Droolworthy.

Going out to dinner at a Puerto Rican restaurant/lounge with my sister in NYC for one of her friends birthdays. It was really nice, the food and the sangria were yummy. This is the Spanish soup I ordered for an appetizer, called sancocho, which is a mix of beef and root vegetables.

Is this not the biggest slab of pork you have ever seen? I was in shock when it arrived at my table, of course I took most of it home. The meat I ordered is called pernil, and it's usually shredded pork served with rice and beans, not an entire slab of meat like

I didn't know the size of that thing when I ordered it, you'd think the waitress would warn me. I love how they randomly stuck a sprig on top of the
If you visit the restaurant's website, you'll hear exactly how it sounds to be inside that place. ;P

Well, those are my random updates on the past ten days. Enjoy your Sunday. What are you up to?


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