Tuesday, July 21, 2009
title: No, Never!
author: Sally O Lee
genre: childrens
first line: Daisy did not like to do things.
published: 2009
rated: 4 out of 5
Delightful Picture Book Teaches Children some important life lessons about the little things.
No, Never! is another one of
Sally O Lee's wonderful childrens books.
Daisy the Dalmation does not like to do things like clean her room, do her homework or take out the trash. Until one day Daisy tells her mother that she has bigger plans like writing a book. Daisy's mom reminds her that big goals are great, but setting smaller goals and following through with them is also important.
Full of colorful and charming illustrations, this book is great for younger children.
About the author:
Author Sally Lee celebrates writing and illustrating with her twenty first children's book about the importance of paying attention to the little things.
Lee's No, Never! tells the story of Daisy the Dalmatian who does not like to do things. She does not like to take out the trash, or clean up her room, or take a bath. When her mother inquires about what she does want to do, Daisy has bigger plans. Through some gentle reminders, her mother teaches her the importance of small goals as well as bigger goals.
When asked what inspired Lee to write this particular story, she said,
"What kid wants to do his/her chores? Not many! So how do you teach the importance of these without becoming a task master? It also teaches children that all things are possible if you believe they can happen.
Children will love the familiar truths of No, Never! and parents will appreciate and
welcome the ways in which the little goals can be taught all the while encouraging the bigger goals as well.
"I keep writing and illustrating these kid's books! I finish one and then get another idea and start another one! I enjoy them so much because I feel that it takes all my talents to create a book. It is such a surprising turn in the road that my life has taken. I like that." says Lee.
Special thanks to Sally O Lee !

Labels: 2009 book review, childrens, reviews, Sally O. Lee