Wednesday, September 30, 2009
ESPN just updated their rankings and the usual suspects are up towards the top as is the norm. But Tennessee has moved into the top five. These rankings are a lot of guess work so don't get bummed if you don't see your squad at the top. Any school listed has a great class coming in.
My favorite part about recruiting is the players that get listed as "athletes". Usually these are the kids that are by far the best player on the team so they just play QB and run all over the place. So what position do you play? Well, I'm an athlete...awesome.
Alright well here is one of those guys DeMarco Cobbs, and he is headed to Rocky Top.
The Old Old Story by John William Godward
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Tim Tebow got knocked out in Saturdays win over Kentucky, it is really funny to see how they are handling this because it is Tebow. Keep in mind this is just a concussion.
This is getting the second most college football press right now. Not all of the great match ups this week, but Tebow's dome.
On a serious note, this is his first ever concussion and he is taking tests right now to determine the severity.
Florida plays LSU October 10th.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Good news this morning in regard to Stafon Johnson, the USC running back who dropped a bench press bar on his throat two days ago.
After undergoing seven hours of surgery, Johnson is in stable condition. He has been writing, and using hand signals to communicate with family and teammates.
Doctors are saying that they might wait as long as six weeks until they even ask Johnson to attempt to talk.
So, football players typically have pretty thick necks, they do specific neck exercises, and count on their neck strength to help absorb hits. One of Johnson's doctors said that he is alive because of the strength in his neck. The doctor referred to himself as a normal person and said that he would not of survived such trauma.
Johnson is certainly lucky to be alive, and we wish him continued good luck in his recovery.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The lines opened this morning and it's time to take a look at some spreads.
Hit the jump to get instant analysis on the early lines.
Let's start with a couple spreads only serious betters care about...
BYU giving 24 to Utah State...I gotta go Utah State here because I don't really like BYU
VT giving 16.5 to Duke...VT coming off of a really good win, I don't know what Duke did last week.
So Michigan gets a road test against MSU and the spread is 2 for Michigan State. Think about that one for a while, I will make picks on the important games later in the week.
Can Bama continue to roll, spread is 16.5...
Cincinnati can prove themselves again by covering against a horrible Miami(OH) 28.5...
LSU at Georgia should be a really good game, Georgia by 3...hmmmm, I will pick that apart later in the week
Oklahoma vs Miami, this game marks the maybe return of Sam Bradford, and the pick me up game for Jacory Harris. Oh boy...what a game
Boise State is playing a blind team...
title: Beloved
author: Toni Morrison
genre: fiction/supernatural
pages: 324
published: 1987
first line: 124 was spiteful.
rated: 4 out of 5
Having read and enjoyed Sula by Toni Morrison, I was excited to finally pick up a copy of Beloved. In this book Sethe and her daughter Denver live alone in a house in Ohio shortly after the Civil War. Sethe's two sons, run away from home by the time they are thirteen.
The house is haunted by the ghost of Sethe's 2 year old unnamed baby, simply known as Beloved. The haunting is severe and poltergeist-like, Beloved throws things, the house rattles and shakes, yet Sethe refuses to leave. No one visits Sethe and Denver, they don't want to go near the house, everyone knows it is haunted.
One day, an old acquaintance of Sethe's, a man named Paul D, shows up at her doorstep. The two become involved right away. Paul D knew Sethe years ago when she was first married and lived on a plantation before they were freed. He is happy to reconnect with her all these years later.
Not shortly after, a woman shows up in front of Sethe's home. Something about her is different, she can't talk much, is very sleepy and her skin is baby soft. When asked her name, she simply spells out the word, 'Beloved'.
Sethe lets Beloved into her home, gives her a place to sleep and takes her in for the time being. The family just figures she is a wanderer with no place to go. Beloved soon becomes obsessed with Sethe, and Sethe herself thinks of Beloved as her own child.
So many scenes stood out for me. One part in particular is when Denver walks in on her mother kneeling by her bed, praying, and sees a baby's white dress next to her, hugging Sethe around her waist. Just the thought of how this baby ghost still clings to her mother, and how even in death, mother and child are forever connected, gave me chills while reading.
Several scenes in this book also shocked me. If you've read this one, you know what I mean. As shocking as it was, I did enjoy this read. The characters are well written, the plot was excellent, the writing was fantastic and I found myself not wanting to put this book down. This is the kind of book that once you are done reading, you kind of just sit back and think about it. It's the kind of read you want to discuss.
I think Denver's character impressed me the most. How she made the best of a bad situation and survived so much. The way she is smarter and stronger than most gave her credit for.
Sethe was an interesting character. I like how she flashed back and told her story all throughout the book. She tells about Denver's birth and about the unthinkable circumstances she had to endure as a slave, the life she lived before finally gaining her freedom. Sethe has many secrets she keeps, and the worst one of all is revealed to the reader just when they least expect it. I didn't hate Sethe, but I pitied her.
Toni Morrison's writing is poetic. Here's a few passages that stood out.
In that bower, closed off from the hurt of the hurt world, Denver's imagination produced its own hunger and its own food, which she badly needed because loneliness wore her out. Wore her out. Veiled and protected by the live green walls, she felt ripe and clear, and salvation was as easy as a wish.
A fully dressed woman walked out of the water. She barely gained the dry bank of the stream before she sat down and leaned against a mulberry tree. All day and all night she sat there, her head resting on the trunk in a position abandoned enough to crack the brim of her straw hat. Everything hurt but her lungs most of all. Sopping wet and breathing shallow she spent those hours trying to negotiate the weight of her eyelids. The day breeze blew her dress dry; the night wind wrinkled it.
The return of Denver's hearing, cut off by an answer she could not bear to hear, cut on by the sound of her dead sister trying to climb the stairs, signaled another shift in the fortunes of the people of 124. From then on the presence was full of spite. Instead of sighs and accidents there was pointed and deliberate abuse.
There is a loneliness that can be rocked. Arms crossed, knees drawn up; holding, holding on, this motion, unlike a ship's, smooths and contains the rocker. It's an inside kind-wrapped tight like skin. Then there is a loneliness that roams. No rocking can hold it down. It is alive, on its own.
Beloved was made into a film in 1998. I did enjoy this movie, however, it was very creepy. I wish I hadn't seen the film first because I knew the twist to the story. All in all, I recommend both the book and the film, but I think you should read the book first.

Labels: 2009 book review, r.i.p., reviews, supernatural, toni morrison
USC running back Stafon Johnson underwent emergency throat surgery for seven hours yesterday after dropping the bench press bar on his neck.
It is being reported that Johnson is in critical but stable condition this morning. Doctors are saying that he should be able to make a full recovery.
As far as playing again this season goes, it is unlikely. This is a big blow for the Trojans as Johnson leads the team with five touchdowns.
USC will need some other guys to step up in Johnson's absence as they face a tough Cal team this weekend.
We wish Johnson a speedy recovery.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Monday, September 28, 2009
I could post countless clips of hilarious weight room accidents, but this story is not the one to joke about. USC running back Stafon Johnson was bench pressing recently when he lost grip of the bar and had it fall on his throat. Johnson is a strong dude and im assuming that this was a plus 225 pound lift. 2ndnShort will keep you updated, the latest update was that Johnson was having surgery on his throat.
This weekend was a crazy one in college football, some teams returned to form while others fell off. This pod will touch on the new rankings, some injury updates, and more.
Happy Monday everyone. Some great books arrived at my place these past two weeks.
Mailbox Mondays:
The Geography of Love by Glenda Burgess-a memoir
Arabella by Georgette Heyer
Here's the books I took out of the library this week:
Skylight Confessions by Alice Hoffman
Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
There Is Room for You by Charlotte Bacon
Any new books arrive at your place this week? Happy reading!
Labels: Library Loot, mailbox mondays
Pierre Thomas just blew up yesterday. And he didn't even play in the first half. But 14 carries for 126 yards and a couple of touchdowns is superstar stuff.

He broke the bread, he passed the bread, and said, Take this, all of you, and run with it. For these are the yards we march into the Super Bowl.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The new rankings are in and, well, they suck. I guess it's a really hard week/year for the rankings but come on.
My major beefs are...
LSU is not the fourth best team in the country
Iowa too high
Cal dropped too far, Oregon is a good team
I'm going back to the couch....
Before you sit down to enjoy the NFL, here is what happened in the college football world yesterday....
Hit the JUMP to see if Tim Tebow is dead...
Tim Tebow got hurt!!!!!...this has been made a huge deal, when he went down even Kentucky fans were speechless, nobody knew what to do. Personally I think he was just concussed and he will be fine, but I'm no doctor. Florida won 41-7.
Texas rolled UTEP...UTEP had 53 total yards of offense...53, that is probably close to as many as I would have playing with a bunch of my friends against them...53 total yards is disgusting...
Alabama is really good...Florida, Texas, and Bama are the three best and I don't know who comes next...
Mississippi stinks...go Gamecocks
Iowa pulled the upset and ruined Penn State's season again...poor Joe Pa...can we have some top ten teams win....
Cal is good so don't let Oregon blowing them out fool you...but Oregon is also good. Both teams will be interesting to watch the rest of the year. Cal has USC next week, go Cal.
LSU barely survived against Miss State holding them on the goal line four plays in a row...
Boise State rolled over the highly talented Bowling Green(highly talented=not good at all)...I am going to be really upset if Boise State moves into the top 5.
VT blew Miami out, Miami has a lot of questions now, but they are still a good team. When you start so hot you have to cool down eventually. Miami gets Oklahoma next week, they might lose that game as well.
Washington State covered against USC...
Ohio State shut out Illinois and looked good doing it...
Cincinnati beat Fresno State, I have been on the Cinncy bandwagon for three weeks now, it's a nice wagon.
THE HORNED FROGS BEAT CLEMSON...another bandwagon that I am on...
I said something about Oklahoma State needing to put up 60 points to impress me...they put up 56, I am happy to say that I might climb back on...might...
Case Keenum for Heisman(but not really), there I said it. Houston beat Texas Tech by one in a great game
Florida State is not that good as they lost to South Florida...
BYU is still overrated, but they did beat Colorado State 42-23...23 points is too many to give up to Colorado State.
Kansas got in two fights with their BBall squad during the week, then beat up Mississippi State on Sat.
Georgia is hanging on to their top 25 ranking as they squeaked by Arizona State. AJ Green is nasty.
Georgia Tech beat North Carolina in a game that was not as close as expected, maybe GT is back.
Michigan won in a great game against Indiana...the Michigan bandwagon is really comfortable, but their schedule coming up is really hard.
Stanford beat Washington...I now officially hate Washington.
Nebraska rolled in a funny one...
2ndnShort went 16-7 on the week...not bad but not good
Hi everyone, happy Sunday Salon :) I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I managed to snap a pic of Diego, if you look closely, you will see he is sticking his tongue out...lol.
This past week i've been emersed in a book called Beloved by Toni Morrison. Taking place shortly after the Civil War, its the story of a woman named Sethe and her daughter Denver, who live in a house that has been haunted for years. The house is haunted by the ghost of Sethe's 2 year old unnamed baby, simply known as Beloved. The haunting is severe and poltergeist-like, Beloved throws things, the house rattles and shakes, yet Sethe refuses to leave. As the story goes on, a man enters Sethe's life and a stranger shows up at her door soon after.
I'm more than halfway through the book, and am finding it hard to put down. I stopped reading everything else and hopefully I can finish this one up in a day or so.
A fully dressed woman walked out of the water. She barely gained the dry bank of the stream before she sat down and leaned against a mulberry tree. All day and all night she sat there, her head resting on the trunk in a position abandoned enough to crack the brim of her straw hat. Everything hurt but her lungs most of all. Sopping wet and breathing shallow she spent those hours trying to negotiate the weight of her eyelids. The day breeze blew her dress dry; the night wind wrinkled it.
That's about all for now. I'll be busy visiting my blog friends today and catching up on posts. Enjoy your day everyone. What are you reading?

Labels: diego, sunday salon
Saturday, September 26, 2009
For all of us, including out-of-market fans on the West Coast, tomorrow's game is an afternoon game. So let us all pray Sunday morning for another 40-plus kickass performance from Drew Brees and Co. while playing the Buffalo Bills. If you can't make it to church, consider this blog post a midnight mass of sorts, for the ego of jshox, which attended St. Alphonsous in the 70818, is far from his place of baptism, confession and worship.
But he's working on a Bloody Mary, if that counts for anything.
That reminds me of a famous depiction of Breesus passing a Hail Mary.

In Breesus & the Saints we pray, amen.
Tim Tebow is laying on the ground right now...got hit pretty hard looked like he took a head shot while falling down. Just sat up...looks like he is alive...maybe a little froggy tho...I think he will be alright...
Oregon killed Cal...Oregon has always been good, just took them a while to regroup after that Boise State collapse...
VT is really good they waxed Miami...Miami just not quite good enough to pull off an incredible start...still good though...Tyrod Taylor looked great...
Bama and Texas rolled...Bama is really good...
TCU beat Clemson...go horned frogs...
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Tate Forcier is officially the guy in Ann Arbor as he lead Michigan to a come from behind victory. Good win for big blue as they really showed a lot of character in this one.
Florida State went down to South Florida, and GT got a solid win against UNC.
LSU is trying to hold up against Miss State and Kansas is up a touchdown.
Check back later for more updates.
Happy Saturday everyone, I'm off to catch up on posts and visit blog friends.
I hope you all had a nice week and enjoy your weekend :)
I found this meme over @ Ms. Moonlight's and decided to play along. I know this one has been making its way around the blog-o-sphere. Feel free to play. It really was harder than I thought it would be to fill in the blanks with book titles.
Using only books you have read this year (2009), cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title.
Describe Yourself: The Fearless Fish out of Water
How do you feel: Still Running
Describe where you currently live: House
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Treasures of Venice
Your favorite form of transport: Stardust
Your best friend is: The Secret Keeper
What's the weather like: Rain Song
Favourite time of day: The Almost Moon
What is life to you: The Twist
Your fear: The War of the Worlds
What is the best advice you have to give: 10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea
Thought for the Day: Best Intentions
How I would like to die: Undone
My soul's present condition: Enchanted Again
Labels: meme
Friday, September 25, 2009
Here it is, another podcast for everyone that has been waiting. I touch on all the top 25 games and some other nonsense...17+ minutes of fun(put it on blast when your getting ready tonight, that way you will have something to talk about when you go out)...everybody knows the best way to pick up girls is to talk about college football
Dez Bryant=Dezmon Briscoe in the little Kansas preview about the fight...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
South Carolina just beat #4 Mississippi, the game was low scoring and Ole Miss never could get their offense going. That makes a good start for the 2ndnShort picks as we had this one. South Carolina should move into the top 25 with this win and Ole Miss is left reeling.
This has been a year of top five upsets, first Oklahoma, then Oklahoma State, followed by USC and now Ole Miss.
Great way to start off the football for this weekend...
Hit the JUMP for my picks!!!
HOME TEAM in caps
Tonight's Game
SOUTH CAROLINA +4 over Mississippi
Florida -21.5 over KENTUCKY (Florida needs to prove they are the best, Tebow to cover)
TEXAS -36 over Utep (funny spread, take UTEP)
ALABAMA -17.5 over Arkansas (Bama is good, really good, take em to cover)
PENN STATE -10 over Iowa (I would take Iowa to cover)
California -5 over OREGON (I heart Cal, take Jahvid Best)
LSU(away) -12.5 over MISSISSIPPI STATE (Miss ST to cover)
Boise State -16.5 over BOWLING GREEN (smurf turf to cover)
Miami -3 over VIRGINIA TECH (GAME OF THE WEEK...VT with spread, they lose by 1)
USC -45 over Washington State (Gotta get back on that horse, this should help, take Wash U though, spread is gigantic)
OHIO STATE -14 over Illinois (Illinois with the spread)
CINCINNATI -17 over Fresno State (Mega Scorefest, over)
TCU(away) +2.5 over CLEMSON (Go Horned Frogs)
OKLAHOMA STATE over Grambling (I don't really care about OK State anymore)
Texas Tech PK over HOUSTON (Mega Mega Scorefest...great game, but under)
FLORIDA STATE -14 over South Flordia (take South Florida to cover)
BYU -17 over Colorado State (Still thinking BYU is overrated)
KANSAS -14 over Southern Miss (Kansas in a wash take the over)
GEORGIA -12.5 over Arizona State (First time I am picking Georgia all year)
North Carolina +2.5 over GEORGIA TECH (Should be a good one)
MICHIGAN -20 over Indiana (Michigan should roll)
Washington U +7.5 over STANFORD (I don't get it, take Wash to cover)
NEBRASKA -28 over UL Lafayette (I like Lafayette to cover here)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
According to Sport Science on Fox Sports, Drew Brees throws footballs more accurately than Olympic archers shoot arrows.
Not surprised, huh? Me neither.
But their study of his passing dynamics is pretty remarkable. My quarterback, whom I promised a roast beef poboy from Parasol's after film study on Friday, consistently passes footballs at 52-mph with a 6-degree vertical extension and 600 RPMs with a gyro scoping torque that defies gravity and aerodynamically forces wind around the ball, which counterbalances itself, while slight wobbles purposefully keep the ball on target against prevailing winds.
Oh, Yeessssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! Here's two of my favorite bastuhds to run into at Parasol's, I GAH-Ron-Tee! (Where's The Force?)
Three wobbles per five spins is key, says Sport Science. Which means wobbly passes are good when outdoors in January/December. But if you're a fan who likes the game's technicalities as fully dressed as your poboy, here's the Sport Science video (I'm already dreaming of extra au jus on the side for dippings, yeah you right!):
The Boss turns 60 today and he is still the man. I could relate this to football and talk about how good he was at the super bowl, but no need to do that as his work speaks for itself.
One of my favorite Springsteen songs...just look at that crowd
He plays for Idaho State and his name is Kenyon Blue, and he is five foot seven inches tall. He is one of the shiftiest dudes I have ever seen run the ball. His side to side speed is ridiculous. I can only think of one player in the same category right now(short guy crazy lateral speed)that guy is Darren Sproles.
Just watch the video it's crazy...
Labels: kenyon blue
So check this story out, apparently an Oregon alum was at the Oregon vs Boise State game and was not happy with the results. He was so unhappy that he asked for his money back, and got it. Definitely a good move by the coach, but seriously, things happen buddy quit your complaining. I'm not a fan of this guy but hey his choice and he got paid.
It is being reported that star Kansas WR Dezmon Briscoe was involved in a fight last night.
Who did he get in a fight with, well how about fellow KU athlete and basketball star Tyshawn Taylor. Rumors are flying all over the place and many people are saying different things, but the one constant is that the fight was over a girl. People are saying that this female was dating back and forth between the teams (not a good idea).
BallinisaHabit has a good report on the happenings so check that out.
Briscoe was not hurt but it is being reported that Taylor has a dislocated thumb, the kind of dislocation that you get from punching someone(Briscoe). From personal experience I can tell you that this might get ugly, this beef could certainly boil into something bigger especially if Briscoe was hit. Just think about it 80 jacked up D-I football players vs 12 mostly skinny basketball players(not a knock on basketball players as they are extremely talented and athletic, just not generally good at fighting)...not a pretty thought.
Updates to come as the unfold.