Nine months ago our 2008 season collapsed. In the aftermath, a fella by the name of Supa Saints Fan posted a dance interpretation of his frustrations, which caused him to dance ala-Bret, or is it Brit? (they talk funny), of Flight of the Conchords. That was funny. I had never seen anyone dance like that before. But Supa Saints Fan has his own interpretation of Bret's hilarious New Zealand jig: (Bluegill, this is highlighted, meaning you must click on it if you want to remain germane, and not tito, to the conversation. (Bluegill is a coonass out of Dulac who guided us on that redfish-bowhunting trip that Drew took us on in May. (Don't ask. All I know is that coonass is an affectionate term and Bluegill insists he certainly is one and that we must call him one.) Anyway, Bluegill ain't too internet savvy, but he does like to stay connected, and sometimes you have to point him in the right direction.)
But here's my point: I'm pissed Supa Saints Fan opens his video of letdowns, less than a minute into it, with me dropping a pass and Drew subsequently ripping into me. Because I can GAH-Ron-TEE that shit ain't happenig again. And Supa Saints Fan, this all I have to say: Let's see you and your cape and fu manchu and wig and glasses down in the stands where everyone can see you. Otherwise, your get-up ain't shit.
Really, and this concerns you, all Saints tards, how brilliant would it be to market yourself on youtube as a super fan and present yourself in the box seats at each home game and kind of give a roundup of the season's progress after every three or four games? That could make you a hometown star! But that's my idea. And I just trademarked it. So I request a 15 percent commission from anyone and everyone who pulls it off. No. 88!
Whatever. I need rest. Kickoff vs. the Lions is about 36 hours away and I'm as giddy for the season opener as an overpaid rookie walking inside the Gold Club for the first time.
Before I go, and this is hard to admit, but I gotta say that I admire certain players in the NFL. Hell, I have a fucking blast watching everyone play. But I have a few favorite players. And I gotta tell ya, on Thursday night, against the Titans, James Harrison did not relent. Dude was throwing off blocks and tackling Chris Henry for losses. I, Jeremy Shockey, have a bit of a man-crush on No. 92. And why not? F it! The 100-yard pick-6 against Arizona in the Super Bowl sealed it for me. But everyone's seen that. So without further ado, may I introduce a highlight reel of my favorite player in the AFC, James Harrison, aka The Silverback: