Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hi everyone, happy Sunday Salon :) I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I managed to snap a pic of Diego, if you look closely, you will see he is sticking his tongue out...lol.
This past week i've been emersed in a book called Beloved by Toni Morrison. Taking place shortly after the Civil War, its the story of a woman named Sethe and her daughter Denver, who live in a house that has been haunted for years. The house is haunted by the ghost of Sethe's 2 year old unnamed baby, simply known as Beloved. The haunting is severe and poltergeist-like, Beloved throws things, the house rattles and shakes, yet Sethe refuses to leave. As the story goes on, a man enters Sethe's life and a stranger shows up at her door soon after.
I'm more than halfway through the book, and am finding it hard to put down. I stopped reading everything else and hopefully I can finish this one up in a day or so.
A fully dressed woman walked out of the water. She barely gained the dry bank of the stream before she sat down and leaned against a mulberry tree. All day and all night she sat there, her head resting on the trunk in a position abandoned enough to crack the brim of her straw hat. Everything hurt but her lungs most of all. Sopping wet and breathing shallow she spent those hours trying to negotiate the weight of her eyelids. The day breeze blew her dress dry; the night wind wrinkled it.
That's about all for now. I'll be busy visiting my blog friends today and catching up on posts. Enjoy your day everyone. What are you reading?

Labels: diego, sunday salon