Michigan is one of the most popular teams in college football. They have a huge fan base and tons of tradition. They went 3-9 last year, fans, players, and coaches were all obviously disappointed. But Michigan is like Kentucky in basketball, both teams will always have a following, and both teams will always be talked about, good or bad. I don't think it is any coincidence that both teams recently landed high caliber coaches.
Now let's move on to Michigan and what beating Notre Dame means for college football. First off I'm not a Notre Dame fan, I think it is a close race between them and OSU for football teams most resembling Duke basketball(alright I'm done making basketball comparisons) and I sure don't like Duke bball. So now that you know that I'm am really happy about Notre Dame losing, let's look at the big picture.
Michigan is good, not great, but good. They just slipped into the top 25 and have a chance of moving higher. They have four key games left, Iowa, MSU, Penn State, and OSU. I don't think they can beat Penn State, and unfortunately although they will be a lot better when the play OSU in the last game of the season I think OSU is too good.
If Michigan can play well the rest of the way and get to a bowl game and win that, you will be looking at a preseason top 25 team next year. If Miami can continue to play well (big game coming up against GT) then we will have two former juggernauts returning to form.
The more good teams in college football the better. Great win for big blue and their program, let's hope they can continue to impress.
Tonight I will be breaking down my picks and if your lucky a podcast is soon to come...happy monday...more football tonight...
If you had a bad weekend take the Pat's and Chargers with the points, and the over and under respectively...
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