Sunday, April 4, 2010


I've become lazy with my blog last month, I admit. Sorry! I had some sort of writer's block.
Today was my birthday, the big 1-7. I celebrated yesterday with my mates, got drunk and partied. Was good. Woke up from a shitty 3 hour sleep on Sunday morning and attended my 'family' party. It was good! My birthday cake was a stack of cupcakes, spelling out 'Happy Birthday Leanne'. It was amazing, and tasty. Haha. I got brilliant presents, a Rihanna ticket for the 26th May, My Oxegen 4-day camping ticket, dvds and of course, €€€. So I plan on going shopping on Tuesday and spending it all on shoes, I am lacking in the shoes department - well not really, I'm just bored of my current collection haha.
Afterwards, I arrived home and my Mum and her partner James gave me their present, €€€ also and giant double chocolate fudge cake from Superquinn - I get one every year, I adore them. So yeah overall, a good birthday. Still have a few more presents to get, so exited about them! :)

March was an interesting month for me, something really turned for me in the friend department, I basically saw how shit I was being treated by some people, and I realised I needed to get rid of these people in my life - moving to London in 14 months lads, I won't even need to look at their miserable faces anymore! So for my last year in Ireland, I'm spending time with my true friends, no drama - I hope.
Fashion-wise, recently I've taken an interest in playsuits and dresses. I'm slowly weaning myself into wearing dresses, not used to it. I got 2 gorgeous ones last week, and I'm going to start wearing them out - but with shorts underneath ofc haha. I hate having that feeling of no freedom, just in case I need to climb over something (which never happens..), you know what I mean!
I'm glad I've another week off, I became extremely lazy study-wise after the Christmas break and have to get my act together soon - and I have to find a Summer job.


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