Monday, April 5, 2010
I've decided I'm going to start a Thunder + Threads youtube channel, many of my friends have been asking me to do tutorials on how I do my make up and hair. There are so many youtube channel's already on youtube about beauty, that I'm going to talk about fashion too.
I'm kinda apprehensive about doing it, as I find it awkward talking to a camera - an inanimate object haha. I'll give it a go though, and see what sort of feedback I get! I know I'll get a ton of abuse after I do it, as usual, but I honestly am beyond caring! The videos will be there for people with a general interest in fashion and stuff.
So hopefully this week there will be a video up, I would really like if you commented here saying what kind of videos I should do or anything you want me to talk about!
I have a channel set up at the moment, with no videos uploaded, but here it is anyways - subscribe now, so you can catch my video first! (:
Click here for the Thunder + Threads Youtube channel.
If you don't have a Blogspot you can leave your ideas at;
My Formspring Page
You can choose to ask the question anonymous or not, it's up to you!
Thanks guys,
and I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who follows this blog - the feedback I get is great! <3
Labels: youtube