When it comes to how to prevent cancer it is really important how your eating habits are.Latest researches have proven that health problems are substantially connected to life and eating style.All researchers say that a diet menu should be plant rich.
There are "good for you" foods you should consume to prevent cancer in addition to maintaining a healthier life.
Foods Rich In Folic-Acid
Folic asit is essential for cells to be renewed.Having low level of folic acid cause to mutations to occur in DNA.It is found in Orange juice,spinach,yogurt,fish,banana,dark leafy greens etc.
Vitamin D
This type of vitamin controls growth cancerous cells.Reseacrhes have claimed that increasing vitamin d intake decreases the risk of cancer,breast cancer in particular.Cod, shrimp, Chinook salmon,egg and sunshine are good sources of vitamin D.
It has protective effects against cancer due to it's antioxidant property .Experts suggest drinking 4 cup of tea daily to protect yourself against cancer.Because it contains flavonoid and kaempferol which are used for protection against various health problems.