- me and my high school boyfriend (who soooo didn't do sports :)
There's a post at America magazine's blog - The Sports Wound - about the angst guys suffer when they aren't good at school sports ...
Perhaps we cloud this topic with euphemisms--but many a boy or growing young man who is poor at sports faces hurdles of bias, loneliness, and rejection. Despite many ways of compensating (intellectual, musical, artistic), poor athletic coordination keeps many boys and young men alienated from their peers, watching athletic contests from the stands or through a window, wishing to be “one of the guys.”
At my high school there were those who studied a lot, those who used drugs (like me), and those who were jocks. The twain hardly ever met so I never knew anyone involved in sports. I hated team sports myself, both in high school and college - I'm probably the only student to get a note from the counselor to let her out of field hockey because of stress :) Towards the end of college, though, I took an adaptive PE class and a whole world of exercise outside of team sports opened up for me .... jogging, weight training, martial arts, ballet, yoga, etc.
I hope those with "sports wound" come to realize that being good at team sports has no value beyond that you choose to bestow.