Friday, September 10, 2010

Jesus and Spiderman

There's a video at Mark Goodacre's NT blog on the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, with one of the commentators being JD Crossan. I read that non-canonical gospel a few years ago, and I was horrified :) because it features the child Jesus as a kind of Bad Seed or one of the inhabitants of The Village of the Damned who murders those who try his patience. Crossan comments that Jesus does seem to learn from his errors in judgement throughout that gospel, but still - eek!

The retreat I once participated in had a week (A Hidden Life for Thirty Years) when we were to contemplate the missing years of Jesus, the years that aren't recorded between his early childhood and his baptism. In my contemplations I never considered the possibilities related in the Infancy Gospel. I guess I'd been harboring an assumption about Jesus - that he was always good, never morally ambiguous, even when he was a child (but then there was that incident at the temple in Jerusalem .... uh oh).

Here's a different video, one with Joseph Uncle Ben telling Jesus Peter that with great power comes great responsibility :) ....


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