Hi everyone, as promised here are some pics of my baby chihuahua. He doesn't have a name yet! We have written down a list of names we like, but have yet to decide. The kids have some fun ideas for a name. Among a few names we like are: Max, Gomez, Hector and Junior.
I brought the baby home yesterday after work. I brought a blankie with me to keep him covered since it was so cold out. Here he is sitting in the front seat with me, bundled up. He kept peeking up at me the whole ride home.

Now, my kids still had no idea. I only told them that I had a tiny surprise for them, so of course they kept trying to guess what it was and came to the conclusion that I was bringing home food from Burger King for them. lol!
I walked in the house with the puppy wrapped up in my arms, and my son came downstairs, walked right up to me and said: "Did you get the food ma, I'm starving?"
For a few seconds he didn't even notice I was holding a dog! lol It was priceless.
Then when he noticed the puppy, he was like: "Oh my God, is that for real?!" Then my daughter ran into the room and they were both freaking out, they were so happy.

The puppy went to sleep soon after coming home. He was very shy and quiet. He slept the whole night without a peep. And this morning after I fed him breakfast, he wandered a bit around the house and has been getting used to his new home.

As you can imagine, it's been hectic around here but I will be visiting everyone's blogs today and see what you all have been up to. Thank you all for your sweet comments when I posted that I had gotten a puppy. You guys make me smile. And lol chicgeek, now you can sleep easy. I'll be posting more pics of him as time goes on, i'm sure he's going to be very photogenic. I bought him a little sweater already.