Monday, March 22, 2010
Hello blog friends, today I would like to give a warm welcome to Preetham Grandhi, author of A Circle of Souls. Mr. Grandhi has been kind enough to stop by for an author interview.
I recently read & reviewed his book A Circle of Souls here on my blog. It is a mystery/thriller that kept me hooked until the last page. Read on for the interview....
Bookworm: Welcome Mr. Grandhi, and thank you for taking the time for an interview. Please tell us a bit about yourself.
Preetham Grandhi: I was born and raised in Bangalore, in south India. I went to Baldwin Boys high School, one of the old British schools in Bangalore. Soon after high school I went to into medical school followed by residency in America. After my graduation from the Child Study Center at Yale, I have been the chief of service for House 5 at Bronx Children’s Psychiatric Center. I work on an inpatient unit (House five) with children aged 4 to 10 years of age. Some of them have true biological disorders like Childhood Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder. Some of them have psychosocial issues, trauma and other adverse life events. Many of them have both.
I work with a wonderful team of people that include psychologists, social workers, teachers and direct care staff without whom this work would be impossible. The book was dedicated to House five. I also have a private practice and reside in Westchester County, New York, with my family.
Bookworm: What was the hardest thing about writing this book? How long did it take you to write?
Preetham Grandhi: A "Circle of Souls," delves into the darkest parts of human thinking and how life experiences change outcomes for different people. This is a book that will keep you thinking and wondering about many different aspects of life after you have read the book. Tying in all the characters and keeping it a page turner was challenging.
Bookworm: In A Circle of Souls, Leia Bines is the lead investigator on the case. She is a strong and intelligent woman. Was her character modeled after anyone in particular?
Preetham Grandhi: Leia is modeled after my wife Bindu, who has been a great support and my critic that made the book possible. She herself is a published author of a great cookbook titled "Spice up your life: The flexitarian way." Her wonderful recipes have kept me healthy through the years.
Bookworm: Are you planning on writing another book?
Preetham Grandhi: I hope to finish the next one in the next few years, but it is difficult to write after a long days work that is by itself mentally consuming. But surely I will continue to work slowly on it.
Bookworm: Who are your favorite authors and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Preetham Grandhi: I grew up reading a lot of Enid Blyton books and Archie comics. It was Enid's books that opened my imagination. I think there are many fantastic authors like Alistair MacLean who are very capable of telling fantastic stories that were made into movies. I am very interested in books that make good movies. I wish I had the time to read more of them.
Bookworm: If A Circle of Souls were to be made into a film, what actors would you pick to play Peter and Leia?
Preetham Grandhi: Peter could be played by Brandon Routh and Leia by Michelle Rodriquez.
Bookworm: What would you like to say to your readers?
Preetham Grandhi: We are all held accountable for our actions in some way or the other, so be sure to think about what you do before you do it. In the end the choices we make now may haunt us for many lives to come.
Bookworm: Thank you again Mr. Grandhi for taking the time to stop by and chat with us. I enjoyed your interview answers, and the advice you give to others at the end is wise. I hope to read more of your work one day.
about the author:
Preetham Grandhi, M.D. immigrated to the United States from Bangalore, India to pursue a career in child and adolescent psychiatry. After his graduation from Yale he has been the chief of service for House 5 at Bronx Children’s Psychiatric Center. He is devoted to helping young children gain insight into their emotional and behavioral needs and empowers them to maximize their inner potential. He also has a private practice and resides in Westchester County, New York, with his family.
-quoted from the authors website: http://www.acircleofsouls.com/about.html

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