Monday, March 15, 2010
title: 2012
genre: action/adventure
release date: November 2009
cast: John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover, Woody Harrelson
plot: The earth's core is heating up and the end of the world is near.
rated: 3 out of 5
2012 is your basic end of the world movie. Writer Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) hears the news from a good friend and scientist and comes to save his family before disaster strikes. He soon finds out that the government is selling tickets to board huge Arks that have been built for the impending disaster. The catch is, you have to be a millionaire to afford a ticket.
With lines like, The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity , 2012 does deliver the message of world peace and unity. However, I found this movie to be too over the top. As I watched it with my hubby and kids, all four of us kept saying 'yeah right' during several parts. You really need to suspend disbelief in order to enjoy this one.
I did enjoy the special effects, I thought they were amazing. I liked how they showed how everything was being affected worldwide, from the Vatican to India to Paris. I thought the cast was good, John Cusack was great, but he's a favorite of mine so I tend to be a bit biased. I liked the storyline he had with his family.
I liked Woody Harrelson's character, he plays a kooky radio personality who actually knows what he's talking about: You'd have to keep a thing like this underwraps. I mean, just think about it, okay? First, the stock market would go. Then the economy, boom! The dollar, boom! And then pandemonium in the streets. War, genocide, ba-ba-ba-ba, boom, boom, boom!
Six months ago, I was made aware of a situation so devastating that, at first, I refused to believe it. However, through the concerted efforts of our brightest scientist, we have confirmed its validity. The world, as we know it, will soon come to an end.

Another thing that bothered me besides the unlikely scenario of Jackson Curtis' family surviving the end of the world with barely a scratch, is that he was able to keep his tie on for the duration of the movie. The man is running from an exploding volcano, he's driving through earthquakes and at one point half of the RV he's driving bursts into flames....yet the tie stays intact.
For the most part, I enjoyed this movie, but I wouldn't buy it to add to my DVD collection.

Labels: mondays movie, movies