I was thinking earlier, and it just hit me that this year, 2010, will be my last full year in Ireland. Next June, I shall be pursuing the biggest adventure of my life so far - moving to the Uk. I'm exited, yet extremely nervous.
This dream began at the young age of 4, it was the first year myself and my Nana visited my Aunty BrĂd in London. I fell in love with the city, my Nana said she never saw a child love her surroundings so much. The red letter boxes, all the 'different' taxis.. everything about it made me fall in love with it. I continued going to London every year with my Nana and my main loves about the city changed.
As most of you know, I have a huge interest in history. I love learning about the Tudor Era, and one of my most beloved places in the world is The Tower of London. I have visited it the last 4 times I've gone to London. I adore it. When I'm on the underground and I see 'Tower Bridge' it gives me butterflies. I love how you can see it from different areas of the city, when you're on the Thames it just looks amazing. All the history in that tower and all across London just amazes me.
Moving on, I want this final year to be my greatest. So far, 2010 has had it's ups and downs already. But from this day onward, I'm not letting anyone or anything upset/get in the way. In the past week I've learnt to spring-clean my life away of false friends and to not fall for people so easily. I want to go to as many parties as I can this year and just have fun. As I want to spend most of my time studying next year for the Leaving Cert.
Most people ask me why I don't like Ireland. It's not that I don't like it, of course I love it! This is my home and I am extremely patriotic about being Irish. It's just I feel, I have 'been there, done that' with Ireland. There's no adventure here for me anymore. And I want to work in the fashion industry, ok, it may be decent here. But let's face it, all the big names are in the big cities. London, New York, Tokyo, Milan etc. I want to travel, meet new people and I just want my life to be one big adventure.
So from this day on, every single person who has fucked me over this year so far - is gone. I don't want their bad karma surrounding me anymore. I just want to surround myself with the my amazing friends.