Monday, March 15, 2010

A Meme on Monday

Happy Monday everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a very rainy weekend here and I enjoyed spending some time reading with the sound of the rain outside. There's something comforting about the sound of rain falling.

This week I'll be reviewing Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer, which I really enjoyed. Heyer is one of my favorites when it comes to regency romance.

Next i'm reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy, which i've been meaning to pick up for a while.

On a different note, Suko tagged me for the 'I Like and I Don't Like' meme.

The rules are: fill in the blanks after each bold word and tag three friends

I like beautiful artwork, especially Pre-Raphaelites.

I like drinking hot tea in the morning.

I like reading in bed.

I like browsing the bookstore and buying a random book.

I like discovering a new favorite author.

I like Mango Mojitos.

I like watching old Gene Kelly films.

I like having a girls night out.

I love hearing my children laugh.

Today was a rainy day.

I dislike when someone tells me they don't like to read.

I dislike not being able to finish a book.

I dislike new book releases that are sold as pricy hardcovers.

I dislike when I borrow a book from the library and there's stains on the pages...or worse yet...scribbled notes!

I dislike when i'm speaking to someone and they start texting on their cellphone.

I dislike when I lend a book out and never get it back.

I (secretly) like re-watching my favorite sappy romantic movies and getting teary eyed :)

I'm tagging: Alice, Ceri and Ms. Moonlight.....and HKatz.


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