Yet, what the Republican-Teahadists are doing is worse than that
Of course, they don’t admit it nor will they say that the class war began with President Reagan and it has snowballed to a crushing avalanche on the middle class and the poor. The wealthy keeps getting obscenely rich and the poor much poorer, I mean, dirt-poor-living under the bridge poor and the middle class has been systematically decimated. If the tax cuts for the rich and the corporations under the premise that it would TRICKLE DOWN have caused a major disruption of our lives and a dismal economic situation; you wouldn’t know it by listening to the Republicans and their pundits. It is not just that they refuse to own it; it is that they want not just more of the same but a hell of a lot more of the same.
Our fragile economy can’t stand any more of this pillage and plunder of its wealth by the very few on top of the food chain; something has to give and I am afraid it is going to have to be the rich and the corporations because the poor and the middle class have nothing more to give, nothing else to lose, nothing to look forward to except a life of semi-slavery and misery. Poverty is no fun and it is particularly disturbing when there is so much wealth. One could understand that in a poor country, a third world one you could see vast amounts of poor people; but not in the greatest nation in the world…it is not in keeping with our values, our expectations and the pursuit of happiness that our Founding Fathers so vehemently wanted for our nation.