Saturday, March 8, 2008

Anne George

Several years ago, I'd say 5 or even 6, I randomly picked up an Anne George novel at Barnes N Nobles. It was called Murder Gets a Life and it was part of Anne George's 'Southern Sisters Mystery series.

I had never read her before and didn't know anyone who had, but I figured, why not. The cover alone, was good enough to tempt me. After that first book, I was sold. I got her other stories, all featuring a pair of two southern sisters, both in their 60's, the serious & sensible Patricia Anne and the flamboyant & wild Mary Alice. They always end up running into some kind of trouble and end up getting the clues & solving the mystery together, with lots of arguing and drama in between.

What I didn't realize back then was that Anne George had passed away. I read a few of the books, then kept wondering if she would write more soon. After reading 'Murder Boogies With Elvis', I read on the back cover of the book that she had passed away in 2001.

visit her fan site:

And if you're in the mood for a dose of mystery and humor, pick one of her books up. These stories are great for summer reading, the book you read by the pool or at the beach.

other titles include:

Murder Makes Waves

Murder on a Bad Hair Day

Murder Runs in the Family


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