Monday, March 10, 2008

Stephane Dion today opened the door to a coalition government, joining the Liberal party of Canada with the Conservative Party. The plan would see Dion's Liberals stop threatening to topple the Harper government, and in return Prime Minister Dion would make Stephen Harper the Deputy-Assistant Vice-PM.

When it was suggested Harper may not agree to relinquish the PM role, Dion was unapologetic:

"If you got the assurances of ultimate unity, then it's a great mistake for other people to try to shut this process down early," it is assumed Dion said. "If you put those two things together, you'd have an almost unstoppable force. I believe when this is over, if we can unify the Parliament, then we will clearly win because there is so much energy behind what is happening.

"We'd be hard to beat," Dion added.

When told of the comments, Harper said, with unusual diplomacy, "what an idiot," to which Dion replied, "hey, it's good enough for the Clinton's and the Maple Leafs!"


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