Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weekend Memes

Just a few memes I felt like blogging about:

Saturday Special

~Time Tells All~

(Fill In The Blanks)

1. It's 1:00pm on Sunday and I'm usually cooking at this time.

2. It's 6:00pm on Monday and I'm usually helping my kids with homework at this time.

3. It's 9:00pm Wednesday and I'm usually watching tv at this time.

4. It's 4:30pm on Friday and I'm usually at work at this time.

manic monday

If you could have any music group or musician play at a party, who would you hire? U2...I love them.

Name three things to be happy about today.

1. My family is healthy, 2. I don't have to go to work, 3. It's the weekend.

How do you release frustration?

I go for a run or do something to distract myself, like crochet.

Daydreaming on Paper

List your favorite television shows, past and present.

I love to watch TV, I have to be careful not to become a couch potatoe.
I'm a reality TV addict, I like Survivor, Dancing With the Stars, American Idol, Celebrity Apprentice. I used to watch MTV's Real World, until it got too trashy.
As far as non-reality tv shows, I like LOST, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Nip Tuck, Pushing Daisies, Oprah, Leno, X-Files and a few more.

Have a good weekend....


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