author: Maggie Sefton
title: A Killer Stitch : A Knitting Mystery
pages: 260
genre: mystery
'Tis the season for knitters in chilly Fort Connor, Colorado: scarves, sweaters, mittens—and murder. Amid the seasonal cheer of her local family of cowboys and yarn weavers, Kelly Flynn's intent on trying to separate innocence from icy deceit.
rated: a grumpy face: 
Okay, now being an avid crocheter, I enjoy a good book that refers to crocheting or knitting or is centered around the lives of fiber artists. I read, Knitting: A Novel by Anne Bartlett, a while ago and enjoyed it very much.
So I grabbed this book randomly at the library, the cover got me of course, and it sounded like a good read....I was very dissapointed. I really tried, I kept reading till chapter seven. I couldn't take it anymore, 70 pages into the book, I had to put it away, couldn't finish reading it.
There were too many characters involved, none of them strong, all forgettable. I became lost and confused and didn't even know who was who anymore.
Random charcters come into the story, and the dialogue is confusing. One character has been murdered in the story, but I didn't even care. Maybe it is because this is book #4 in the series and I haven't read any of the others, but a story should be easy to follow even if it's a series you haven't read before.
Very dissapointing.