Sunday, April 13, 2008


author: Kathleen Dante


genre: paranormal erotic romance

pages: 308

first line: John Atlantis prowled the narrow confines of the clairfield spell, its precise metal curliques inlaid into the floor, as he awaited Dillonn's summons.

'What's in a woman's heart...

Brilliant executive Kiera Stevens finds herself in a vulnerable position when she suspects insider espionage. Someone she trusts is stealing company secrets and threatening her professional future. What she needs is an undercover man... '

Okay, now this was my first time reading this genre. I bought this book, plus her second book as well, I figured, the covers looked pretty good, so what the heck, live a little. One thing is for sure, author Kathleen Dante has one heck of an imagination :P

Um, I didn't expect it to be this...graphic. But it was tastefully done and oddly The story line was good, one unexpected thing to the story was that there is 'magic' involved.

Kiera, the head of a toy making corporation, hires a security expert named John Atlantis a.k.a. Lantis, to find a leak in the security system. Lantis turns out to be tall, dark and handsome. He and Kiera are both single. Kiera is also gorgeous and looking for a good man.

Kiera is a healer and Lantis can work magic through his thoughts, the two quickly become involved.

'She was as sweet as he remembered. No, sweeter. Heady as a straight shot of wiskey and twice as potent on an empty stomach. He sank into the kiss, in her scent. The combination of vanilla and musk that was uniquely Kiera's. The scent of home.'

I like that there was a story line to it that was interesting. There's some mystery and suspense to it, thrown in with the paranormal. I found the main characters Kiera & Lantis, to be likeable, a believeable couple. There are a few other characters thrown in there as well, mostly Kiera's best girlfriend & her friend Dillon, whom the next book 'Enticed' is about.

I give this one 2 seperate ratings:

5 for the steamy love scenes:

4 for the story line:

I'll be reading Kathleen Dante's second book, 'Enticed', and reviewing it as well.

visit the author's website:


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