Sunday, April 27, 2008
Well, I'm very happy to have joined The Sunday Salon. This is my first post.
This week I read:
It's a short, good old fashioned mystery set in Maine of course.
title: The Colorado Kid
author: Stephen King
pages: 178
genre: mystery
rated: 3 out of 5
On an island off the coast of Maine, a man is found dead. There’s no identification on the body. Only the dogged work of a pair of local newspapermen and a graduate student in forensics turns up any clues, and it’s more than a year before the man is identified.
And that’s just the beginning of the mystery. Because the more they learn about the man and the baffling circumstances of his death, the less they understand. Was it an impossible crime? Or something stranger still...?
Stephanie McCann arrives at 'Moose-Lookit Island' to do an internship on the island's paper 'The Weekly Islander'. She works for Dave and Vince, they write for the paper and are good friends. They tell Stephanie about 'The Colorado Kid', one of the islands old unsolved mysteries.
'For a woman a man will do many things that he'd turn his back on in an instant when alone; things he'd back away from nine times out of ten, even when drunk and with a bunch of his friends egging him on. Johnny said the closer he got to that many lying in the sand-only lying there with his knees up, like he was sitting in an invisible chair-the more sure he was that those closed eyes were going to open and the man was going to make a snatch at him.'
This was a quick read, it was ok. Kind of reminds me of Agatha Christie stories. A 'who done it?' type of story.
I like the afterword S.K. writes:
'...before I leave you, I ask you to consider the fact that we live in a web of mystery, and have simply gotten so used to the fact that we have crossed out the word and replaced it with one we like better, that one being reality. Where do we come from? Where were we before we were here? Don't know. Where are we going? Don't know."
What are your favorite mystery books? Authors? Do share...
I like visiting other bloggers and chatting books! Leave me a message, and I'll return the visit :)
Another thing I did this week was take the kiddies to the zoo.
It was lots of fun, great weather and we got to see some cool stuff.
*yuck* these are giant cockroaches...a.k.a. my worst nightmare... from someplace in Central America.

this nasty...I mean 'cute' lizard took a liking to my kids and was 'high-fiving' them from the glass.

somebody doesn't look so happy:

enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Labels: mystery, reviews, stephen king, sunday salon, TBR, triple eight