Friday, April 11, 2008

Prime Minister Harper's much touted consumer protection law announcement this past Tuesday came with the usual editorial comments politicians throw into these things. For at least the 2nd time during his Prime Ministership Harper has uttered the pejorative phrase "the almighty dollar." Here's the quote, as given by the National Post's lead editorial on Thursday:

He detailed new regulation that will "improve our safety and our health," while getting tough with nasty companies "who care more about the almighty dollar than the safety of their customers."
As I pointed out last time he used it, the almighty dollar is the kind of "Hargrovian" comment you would find Michael Moore using. It is a leftist phrase meant to demean scary capitalists like Harper.

After using the phrase twice, and after Tuesday's legislation and yesterdays aerospace announcement, I'm beginning to think Jean Cretien was right all along, Harper has a scary hidden agenda - if your conservative.


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