Saturday, April 12, 2008

The nutty stories from the fluffy world of celebrities.

Singer Beyonce and some guy called Jay-Z got married this week at Jay-Z's Manhatten apartment amid rumours Beyonce may be pregnant. In fact she may be married, as the wedding was so hush hush nobody can prove it happened. It was a small quiet, private affair, with 100,000 cream coloured orchids flown in specially from Thailand, a 5'8" wedding cake and two dresses, making the "apartment like a heaven, like a palace". Of course, when you have a small wedding in a 9,000 sq foot apartment, you need flowers and cake to fill the space.

Bad couple of weeks for Canadian comedy lovers. First it was announced The Royal Canadian Air Farce would finish it's 14 year run on New Years Eve. On Friday came the news that Corner Gas, Canada's most successful sit-com, would be finished after the next season. Brett Butt, the guy who runs Corner Gas, both the show and the gas station, has decided to put an end to the show. Corner gas begins production on it's 6th and final season on May 15th. As for the Air Farce, it's news to me that it wasn't cancelled 10 years ago, and stunning that it wasn't cancelled 13½ years ago.

Farewell to Charlton Heston, who passed away this week aged 84. And a very happy birthday to James "Jim Rockford" Garner, who turned 80 this past week.


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