Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Carolyn from The Thrillionth Page posted this at her blog and it's been lots of fun. Read on for the basic gist:
Imagine if you will, six book-happy girl bloggers are stranded on a desert island.
Wait, back up...how did we get there? Perhaps a fabulously wealthy reader, fan of all our blogs, grateful for the hours of enjoyment we have provided, decided to send us all on a fabulous vacation together.
But, just in case our plane has to make an emergency landing on a desert island, we bring books, to found a glorious sharing library. We will miss civilization, but what do we care? We have 36 excellent books to read!
Here's the six books I chose to bring to the island.
1. Coraline by Neil Gaiman for a creepy story to share
2. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen cause its a classic
3. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz because its a great 'I see dead people' type story
4. Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' for the hot vampires
5. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding for some great chick lit
6. Entangled by Kathleen Dante, cause is a great 'trashy' novel
Next we islanders are each choosing 7 heroes to bring to the island as well:
Okay, island dwellers. We have our books. But what heroes will we bring? At the end of 7 drafts, everybody will have a group of 7 heroes to bring. My choices were:
1. Edward Cullen (Twilight, Stephanie Meyers)
2. John Atlantis (Entangled, Kathleen Dante)
3. Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion, Jane Austen)
4. Aragorn aka Strider (Lord of the Rings trilogy, J.R.R. Tolkien)
5. Tristen (Legends of the Fall, Jim Harrison) (Brad Pitt plays him in the movie version...swoon)
6. Mark Darcy (Bridget Jones Diary, Helen Fielding)
7. Ian (The Host, Stephenie Meyers)
Yep, I think having these books and these heroes might make any boring deserted island much more bearable :)
If you had to pick a few books to bring to a deserted island, which would they be?
Labels: Desert Island Keeper