My previous blog posts have not been written the best if I'm quite honest, so from now on, I'll write properly... Kinda.
I have changed the name of my blog to THUNDER AND THREADS because I like the sound of it. I like thunder and threads are pretty cool - well clothes are. It also has more of a ring to it than 'leannewoodfullfashion'. Borrrrring.
I will in the future be writing on many different topics, mainly fashion but I shall write about other things also. They could be about music, food, tv, people, life... food... weather... pandas. Who knows?!
So yes this may come as a big shock (sarcasm) to my loyal, amazing, fantabulous 12 (I know it's a lot, calm down..) followers... but yes, my blog shall be more interesting. Well I hope it will be, anyways, I have MILLIONS of things to talk about... where do I start?!
Amazing. It's an Irish magazine that just keeps getting better. I worked in the Stellar & Kiss Magazine offices for work exp. last Summer and I loved it. I would recommend anyone to do it. I got a deadly goodie-bag at the end of the week but tbh, the best thing I could out of it was Dillon's (fashion director of Stellar) advice and compliments. He told me I had style and how he loved it. He also told me amazing adivce about the fashion industry and college etc. I walked out of the building that day feeling on top of the world!
This issue has BeyoncĂ© on the cover, who I have previously began to like. The magazine is packed with really good interviews, great fashion and articles. Well worth the €2!
I got a new dress in Topshop today for a party I'm going to next Friday. It is a strapless white and navy dress with gold buttons, it's by Rare. I loooove it. It was €50, but I used my student discount and got it for €46!
It was a choice between that dress and a tight, black lace dress.. but the navy one was just fabulous.
Topshop has amazing things in stock this Winter! Their coats are amazing, I spotted loads of Luella lookalikes!
Holy god, I need something from this collection. It is amazing! I fell in love with a pair of leggings with studs on them today.. found it hard to walk away from them. Watch this space! Mr.Kane is brilliant!
I am not Winter's biggest fan - I hate the cold, rain, snow and wind. I hate the hassle of having to lug around your coat with you everywhere, I hate the way my hair looks in the wind and I hate the way the feeling from hands and feet completely goes.
So town, one of my favorite places, is not a nice place to chill (no pun intended hohoho..). I freeze my arse off and the weather is just awful.
I think I'll hibernate in friends' houses and go to parties INDOORS for a few weeks thanks..
Is gross. I vow never to eat there again. Grossgrossgross. None of the food is appestising. Except their McFlurrys.
So yes, I could write more but then I would just go OTT and it would be an essay...
Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow THUNDER & THREADS!
Leanne xo